Sunday, July 31, 2011

IRS - Godfrey, Brendan, Cassandra, Genevieve

(A) A statement of your research title
Differences in the influence of genres RnB music and Heavy metal music
(B) Explain why is it focussed
We are only concentrating on two popular genres in the music industry on how differently they are affecting people in their life. Besides this research is confined to between only SST students.
(C) Explain why is it significant
We are able to narrow down from this research that which genre of songs of the two is a better and safer one to hear.
(D) Explain why is it feasible
These two genres of songs can be easily found now and it should be easier for us to compare the two genres based on a song each from the genres individually.
(E) Explain why is it manageable
Students nowadays have a touch for music, it can arouse them to be interested to be part of this research.
(F) Explain why is it accesible
Survey can be carried out within the school population, or we can use the web to push off our findings to another level.
(G) State at least 3 sources of information that you will be drawing your research upon (3 links) and why you choose them
(H) State your type of data collection as in tip 5
Surveys and web researches

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